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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Why You Need To Change To Become Wealthy


Sometimes we love change and sometimes we hate it.

In fact, some of us love to change and others fear it.

Why is change difficult for many of us?

Because change makes us move out of our comfort zones.

It takes courage to leave something familiar and try something new.

One of the jobs of our subconscious mind is survival – to protect us.

It likes to keep things the same preferring safety and security over the untested and unproven.

Haven’t we all heard people say “Better the devil I know than the devil I don’t know?”

We tend to believe that if we stick with what we know, with what is familiar, then we won’t get hurt.

The problem is that in terms of wealth creation, it’s not what we know that’s holding many of us back.


It’s what we think we know that isn’t so that is holding us back

Many people are not totally happy and successful.

They are not as far advanced with their wealth creation as they would like to be.

They haven’t developed the financial freedom they deserve.

Yet they continue to do the same things over and over hoping somehow things will be different.

Think about it… if you keep doing the things you always did, you are going to keep getting the results you always got.

If what you’ve been looking for was where you’ve been looking, chances are you’d have already found it!

Doing more of the same even harder and longer is not usually the answer.

Being willing to change will usually create better results.

So what holds most of us back?

It’s our Wealth Operating System – our financial blueprint – the programming we received as a child.

As initially described by Wallace Wattles in The Science of Getting Rich and more recently by Harv T. Ekers in his great book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (a must-read for all property investors) –
Your Thoughts Lead to your Feelings – Your Feelings Lead to your Actions and Your Actions lead to your Results. 

It is no coincidence that your inner world creates your outer world.

The programming you received, usually as a child, leads to your thoughts, your fears, and your limitations about wealth creation today.

So one of the first steps in change is changing your thoughts

How do you think about money, success, and prosperity?

What do you say to yourself?

What is that little voice in your head saying?

For many of us, our thoughts revolve around fear, scarcity, and limitation.

The problem is that what you focus on expands.

If you think about fear, scarcity, and limitation – what do you achieve?


Your Thoughts Lead to your Feelings – Your Feelings Lead to your Actions and Your Actions Lead to your Results.

Many of us need to intentionally change our way of thinking.

We need to start thinking about prosperity, abundance and success to enable us to attract those very things.


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