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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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The three big ‘misses’ in the Budget on housing


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Key takeaways

For a Budget that made housing a central focus, the federal government missed three opportunities to improve housing supply.

The budget missed an opportunity to optimise Commonwealth Rental Assistance payments by ensuring they are well-targeted. While a broad-based boost to CRA for those already receiving it is a pretty efficient way to ensure those in more vulnerable positions in the private rental sector can remain competitive.

Australia’s construction sector is overheated, with too many projects stuck in the pipeline and not enough feasibly-priced labour and materials to deliver them. The government should let approvals continue to unwind amid high interest rates, so that cost pressures start to ease and the construction industry can focus on delivering the pipeline.

The Budget missed an opportunity to shape housing demand by increasing government revenue and introducing a land tax as a replacement for stamp duty, or factoring in the family home as an asset in the aged pension test.

For a Budget that made housing one of its central focuses, the federal government has three big ‘misses’ in the plans laid out on Tuesday night.

Our Budget analysis considers what could be done more efficiently in the approach to Commonwealth Rental Assistance (CRA), construction, and use of existing supply.

What did the Budget get right on housing?

Increases in housing and rental costs since the pandemic have been especially hard on low-income households.

The decline of social housing over time has worn down the buffer between the private rental market and insecure housing, so when rents are rising as strongly as they are now, vacancies are low and demand is high, it’s low-income renters who are increasingly vulnerable.

Research from the latest ANZ – CoreLogic Housing Affordability report also showed the low-income end of the spectrum saw the biggest increase in the rent-to-income ratio in the past four years.

In March 2024, the 25th percentile rent value nationally represented 54.3% of the 25th percentile gross household income estimate (figure 1).

Portion Of Income To Service Rent National DwellingsPortion Of Income To Service Rent National Dwellings

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare continued to report increases in unmet requests for specialist homelessness services, which rose to 108,000 in 2022-23, most commonly because there was no accommodation available at the time.

The Federal Budget has allocated funding to where it is urgently needed: crisis accommodation, social and affordable housing funding, and a boost to rental assistance for renters receiving other social assistance payments.

Housing initiatives in the budget included:

  • An additional $423.1 million for the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (taking total funding to $9.3 billion over five years) to deliver public housing and homelessness strategies. This also includes a doubling in funding for homelessness services at $400 million per year to be matched by the states and territories.
  • A second-consecutive increase in Commonwealth Rental Assistance (CRA). This $1.9 billion investment over five years will increase the maximum rate of CRA by a further 10%, following a 15% increase last year.
  • Additional concessional financing of up to $1.9 billion for community housing providers and other charities to support the delivery of new homes.
  • An additional $1 billion is targeted toward crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence, and
  • An additional $1 billion for the states and territories to help speed up construction on infrastructure to support new housing (i.e., sewers, roads, energy and water infrastructure).
  • Around $90 million for training and education to boost the construction
  • A better-targeted migration program, with student visa grants tied to the delivery of purpose-built accommodation.

What did the budget miss?

1. Commonwealth Rental Assistance was increased, but not better

The budget misses an opportunity to optimise CRA payments by ensuring they are well-targeted.

The Productivity Commission noted that in 2019-20 (albeit before rent values boomed) 28% of CRA recipients would still have avoided housing stress without the payment, and 27% of recipients were in the top 60% of household incomes.

CRA payments vary depending on circumstance, but the maximum rate of around $125 per week means the biggest increase under the budget will be $12.50 per week.

As noted in our budget analysis last year, CRA increases offered by the government are very modest in dollar terms compared to actual rent increases in the private rental market.

Figure 2 shows the maximum proposed 2024-25 increase to weekly CRA, against actual rent increases at the median and 25th percentile rent value across Australia in the year to April 2024.

Proposed Cra Increase Vs National Rent UpliftProposed Cra Increase Vs National Rent Uplift

A broad-based boost to CRA for those already receiving it is a pretty efficient way to ensure those in more vulnerable positions in the private rental sector can remain a little more competitive in the private rental market.

But optimising the payment means more funding could be allocated to those who really need it.

2. A (bigger) boost to construction

Australia’s construction sector is overheated, with too many projects stuck in the pipeline, and not enough feasibly-priced labour and materials to deliver them.

The Cordell Construction Cost Index shows new house build costs are up 27.6% since the pandemic through to March 2024, and the new dwelling purchase component of CPI is up 36.1% in the same period.

Our construction sector is so woefully stretched, that we are unable to deliver homes at historic average volumes, let alone a stretch target of 1.2 million homes in a five-year period (figure 3).

Rolling Annual Dwelling Completions NationallyRolling Annual Dwelling Completions Nationally

Project delays across both private and government-led housing projects are leading to a pile-up of potential supply in the pipeline (figure 4).

Number Of Dwellings Approved Or Under Construction But Not Complete QuarterlyNumber Of Dwellings Approved Or Under Construction But Not Complete Quarterly

The number of dwellings approved but not yet completed was 260,000 at the end of last year, which is actually higher than the annual accord target.


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