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The population forecast for New South Wales


New South Wales is Australia’s most populated state, with just under a third of the national population residing in NSW.

The disruptions of the COVID pandemic had a significant impact on the state, with a net loss of people through overseas and internal migration.

With the borders reopening, NSW saw a spike in overseas arrivals. 

But our most recent forecast shows a stabilisation in overseas migration and a return to previous patterns in population growth and movement for the state. 

Our national forecast predicts an additional 9.2 million people in Australia heading towards 2046.

Over a quarter of those people are expected to be in NSW – that’s an extra 2.4 million people in the state and a total population of 10.5 million by 2046. 

Where will these new people live?  


The picture of national population growth

Our national population forecast indicates that Australia’s population will reach just under 35 million people by 2046.

That’s an extra 9.2 million people.

Each year, our population’s natural increase (net of births and deaths) adds an extra 100,000 people.

This should remain steady over the next quarter-century.

The other, and much larger, contributor to our national population is net overseas migration.

During the COVID pandemic, Australia experienced a net loss in overseas migration.

More people left than came home.

In the last two years, this has reversed.

We have experienced significant net gains from overseas migration.

In 2022-23, arrivals increased 73% and we had a net gain of over half a million people.

The Department of Immigration and the ABS agree this is due to a “catch up effect” after international borders reopened.

Long term we expect net overseas migration to stabilise, returning to similar levels experienced pre-COVID.

Our long-term assumption is that Australia will continue to see a net gain of 235,000 people from overseas each year.

This is in line with the best information from the government, including last year’s intergenerational report, the latest federal budget papers, and the intended effects of the migration strategy announced in December.

What will be NSW’s share of national population growth?

One of the big stories from our national population forecast is the return to the cities.

We expect that the four largest states – New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia – will account for 93% of Australia’s forecast growth.

Within those states, two-thirds of our national growth is forecast to happen in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.

So how much of this growth will take place in NSW?

Historically, NSW has accounted for around 25% of Australia’s growth.

We see that share of national growth continuing forward to 2046. 


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