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The Kandalama Hotel: A Symphony of Architecture and Nature

The Kandalama Hotel, nestled on the outskirts of Dambulla, Sri Lanka, stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of architectural brilliance and environmental conservation. Commissioned by the Aitken Spence Hotel Group, this masterpiece was envisioned to accommodate tourists visiting the nearby historic city of Sigiriya. Originally intended to be situated adjacent to Sigiriya, the renowned architect Geoffrey Bawa insisted on relocating the site 11 kilometers southeast. This decision not only preserved the immediate surroundings of the cultural site but also afforded guests picturesque views of the monument across the horizon of the Kandalama Lake.

A Dramatic Journey to Revelation

Approaching the Kandalama Hotel is an experience meticulously choreographed by Bawa to evoke awe and anticipation. Guests traverse a private 2.7-kilometer-long road, meandering through lush landscapes before reaching the main entrance lobby. This entry sequence is designed to culminate in the breathtaking revelation of the Sigiriya monument, visible from the open-air lobby after navigating a confined, tunnel-like passage.

The entrance is marked by a large, cave-like porte cochere that seamlessly integrates with the western cliff face. Guests enter under a vast, slanted canopy, proceeding through a compressed walkway lined with boulders. This gradual progression from the enclosed space to the expansive lobby with its panoramic view northward over the Kandalama Tank encapsulates Bawa’s skill in spatial storytelling, prolonging and dramatizing the threshold between the secluded entrance and the stunning natural vistas.

Adapting to Constraints

Political pressures during the project’s development necessitated significant modifications to Bawa’s initial plans. The east wing’s encroachment on Buddhist monastic lands led to a reduction in its size and the addition of a second guest wing to the southwest. Though this change altered the intended visibility of the entrance lobby, strategic planting minimized the visual impact of the new wing, preserving the integrity of Bawa’s designed approach.

Architectural Marvel and Environmental Harmony

The final design comprises three primary sections within a complex multi-story structure that clings to a steep rock outcrop. The irregularly-shaped building spans approximately 430 meters in length, with widths varying between 4 and 55 meters. Central shared facilities such as the lobby, restaurants, and pools occupy broad terraced spaces, while the guest rooms extend east and southwest from this core. The east, or Sigiriya wing, offers distant views of the Sigiriya rock across the horizon of the Kandalama Tank, with guest rooms cascading down the cliffside toward the lake below.

The Kandalama Hotel marked a shift towards minimalism in Bawa’s work, surprising many who admired the vernacular influences in his previous projects. However, the architecture’s subtlety effectively foregrounds the dramatic cliff-side topography and breathtaking views. The design adapts to the dry central climate of Sri Lanka, with flat roofs less material-intensive and more suitable than the pitched roofs necessary in coastal regions.

A Testament to Evolving Design Philosophy

Reflecting Bawa’s evolving design philosophy, the Kandalama Hotel emphasizes minimalistic architectural detailing, with ornamentation provided by sculptures and artworks distributed throughout the building. The architecture itself remains plain yet harmoniously articulated, featuring neutral tones and natural materials such as white concrete walls, black painted concrete columns, and wood or iron railings and millwork.

Environmental Considerations

The Kandalama Hotel stands as an exemplary model of how tourist facilities can integrate into an undeveloped landscape, fostering appreciation for natural beauty while minimizing environmental impact. Innovative building technologies and systems mitigate the environmental footprint, ensuring the hotel’s operations do not harm the nearby lake’s catchment.


The Kandalama Hotel is one of Geoffrey Bawa’s most significant works, showcasing his talent for creating affective spatial sequences and architectural narratives. It serves as a lens through which the pristine landscape of the Kandalama basin can be viewed, its light architectural touch a fitting and successful strategy. This hotel embodies the perfect synergy of design, nature, and environmental stewardship, setting a high standard for sustainable tourism infrastructure.

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