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Trending Talks


The biggest obstacle to wealth


key takeaways

Key takeaways

The biggest barrier to wealth for many Australians is not the lack of information but their financial thermostat, which is often set too low from childhood, dictating their comfort level with wealth.

Wealthy individuals like Richard Branson operate with a financial thermostat set to billions – the average Australian has their financial thermostat set very low.

Our beliefs about money are largely shaped in childhood by our parents, teachers, and societal influences, which often instill limiting beliefs about wealth.

Most people don’t achieve significant wealth because their subconscious beliefs hold them back, such as thinking rich people are bad or believing wealth is out of reach.

To change your financial destiny, you need to recognise and discard disempowering beliefs, adopt successful people’s belief systems, and take action based on positive beliefs.

Success in wealth creation is about becoming the person who thinks and acts like the wealthy (Be, Do, Have), not about external circumstances or blaming others.

Alongside the right mindset, a proven property investment system, knowledgeable advisors, and a supportive network are essential tools for taking your property investing to new heights.

Some time ago I discovered the money secret that separates the wealthy and successful property investors from the average Australian.

You see…I found out what the biggest obstacle was that stopped people from becoming wealthy.

Growth Wealth

And I would like to share my findings with you today…

For almost a quarter of a century, I have been conducting property seminars around Australia and South East Asia.

I have been teaching how I have grown my own very substantial property portfolio and became wealthy through property and how many of my students and our clients at Metropole have used real estate to develop financial independence.

Some of my seminars have lasted a few hours, others a full day and at times I conducted 3 and 5-day intensive workshops.

Yet the results have always been the same…

While the attendees always got loads of information, tips and tricks; some people took action after these events and got outstanding results.

Yet others who sat right next to these action-takers went home and didn’t do anything differently.

This always disappointed me and I wondered what I could do better.

Initially, I thought I had to give them more facts, additional tips or extra information.

So I packed even more into my seminars, but the results didn’t change.

What was it?

As I studied this phenomenon I came to realise that it wasn’t the quality of the information that stopped some people from taking action.

It was something inside them – their mindset or what I call their “financial thermostat”.

We all have a financial thermostat inside us that determines the level of wealth we are comfortable with.

What level is your financial thermostat set for?

For example, Richard Branson has his financial thermostat set to billions.

Imagine if he was “only” a millionaire.

He would feel poor, wouldn’t he?

Some people have their thermostats set for millions of dollars, others for thousands.

The average Australian has their financial thermostat set very low.

The problem is, if your financial thermostat is set for a low level, then the way you think and the way you behave will keep you poor.

Even if you have all the information, even if you know all the steps to take; things like fear and doubt will hold you back.


We’ve all heard of people who have come into money, such as lottery winners, and lost it because they just couldn’t handle it.

Your wealth usually shrinks back to the amount you can handle.

It’s been said that if you took all the money in the world and divided it equally amongst everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets it was before.

I’m sure that is correct.

It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development.

What this means is that most people will never develop the wealth they truly deserve because their financial thermostat, which was programmed to a low level of wealth when they were children, holds them back.

We are not born knowing how to “do money.”

We are all programmed by our parents, our teachers, culture, religion and peer group.

This means that in general we have been programmed by un-wealthy people.

Take a minute to think about what you were taught about money

What did you hear from your parents about money and rich people?

Did you hear things like:

Money doesn’t grow on trees. Money is the root of all evil.

Rich people are greedy and selfish. Money won’t make you happy.

Money isn’t that important anyway.

Do any of those sound familiar?

What did you see at home about money when you were young?

We learn a lot about how to behave in all areas of our lives by modelling our parents.

So how were your parents when it came to money?

Did they argue about money?

Was one more of a saver or was one a spender and free with money?

Were they good money managers or was one or both of them money mismanaged?

It’s interesting how many of us end up becoming so much like our parents in the arena of money.

Unless we were very angry as a child and then we tend to rebel and become the opposite of our parents.

How did your parents behave around money when you were young?

Your experiences around money as a child also affect how you were programmed.

Have a think about it…

Did money mean happiness or did money mean arguments when you were young?

Was money ever used as a substitute for love or as a form of bribery?

For most of us the subconscious programming we received as a child was and continues to be disempowering.

These limiting wealth beliefs were instilled in us when we were children and at the time they seemed very true, but they are no longer relevant to us today.

If your experiences were like mine, the people who taught you about money – your parents, your grandparents, your teachers – had the best intentions.

They wanted you to succeed financially.

The end result is often a raft of disempowering beliefs about money, wealth and rich people.

Unfortunately, since they had never been taught about how money really works, all they could pass on was their own belief systems, often based on scarcity rather than the abundant thoughts that are necessary to feel truly wealthy.

Beliefs that are neither true nor false nor wrong or right.

Your beliefs are your beliefs and they work at a subconscious level.

But your beliefs can be empowering or disempowering.


Most Australians will never become rich because of their beliefs.

At some level, they believe that rich people and/or money are bad.

Or that wealth is beyond their reach; or that they do not deserve to become wealthy.

Then they find ways of justifying to themselves why they don’t want to become wealthy, or why they don’t deserve to become wealthy.

For things to change in your life, you must change first.

You must pinpoint the negative or limiting wealth beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your true potential.

So how do you move forward?

How do you get yourself to take action?

You will need to do 3 things….

1. Develop Awareness

The first step is to evaluate your current position.

How are you doing financially?

Become aware of what’s working – the thoughts, actions and behaviours you want to keep and what’s bad  – the things you want to change.


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