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Sri Lanka among the most affordable tourist destinations for Australians – Sri Lanka Travel News


If you’re planning a trip abroad, you’ve no doubt noticed how weak the Aussie dollar is compared to many other major currencies at the moment.

Right now, it’s not a great time to be an Aussie in the UK ($1 AUD = 0.52 GBP), the United States ($1 AUD = 0.65 USD) or Europe ($1 AUD = 0.61 EUR).

But there are still places where Aussies can stretch their money further.

Sri Lanka

$1 AUD = 204.80 Sri Lankan rupees

Sri Lanka is another cheap and popular destination for Aussies. In Kandy, a local beer would cost you around 500Rs or $2.45, an inexpensive restaurant meal would also cost you 500Rs or $2.45, while a monthly public transport pass to explore the country is just 2,125Rs or just over $10.

Source: https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/8-travel-destinations-where-the-aussie-dollar-is-strong-204850495.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHH4-tSBzafU5I1-mzfwscT7TjayGb7NBaG8f1Wag_kEHYRfT1XQeEhPAkabyMM4RMdoZplGd5VBcg62smsXXp4jJekscjyDo34cyXOjOB9lWOBgrvgDeHtFhkcLo43_xISUMk6G4asc9Pa0D9bxBR2LWacO3G_bAwF8TrKUYuGO


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