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Scientific Notes on Power Electronics: doping of semiconductors


In a previous tutorial, we considered the ideal case of a monatomic semiconductor without foreign atoms in the crystalline matrix. Physically, the presence of impurities is inevitable. Technologically, an appropriate modulation of impurities favors greater conductivity.

N-type semiconductors

The following considerations refer to a monatomic semiconductor (for example made of silicon or germanium) but are easily generalized. Let us consider silicon in particular, imagining replacing any atom with an atom of phosphorus (P). Since it is a pentavalent element, the first four valence electrons bond to the first four neighboring silicon atoms (exactly as happens for an intrinsic semiconductor, i.e., free of impurities). The fifth electron appears to be in excess (Figure 1) and is subject to the attractive (Coulomb) force field of its P+ ion, but also to the force field exerted by the ions of the crystal which as established in the previous number, it has a periodic potential energy V (x, y, z) with a period equal to the lattice pitch.

Figure 1: Excess electron (indicated by arrow).
Figure 1: Excess electron (indicated by arrow)

As we know, the effects of V(x,y,z) translate mathematically into the substitution me m (effective mass of the electron) which allows us to treat the electron as a free particle; electrostatically, the crystal behaves as a homogeneous medium with dielectric constant ∈r (for silicon ∈r= 11.9). In turn, the phosphorus ion is a hydrogenoid system, i.e., an atom which, despite having more electrons, behaves like a hydrogen atom, since the potential energy of the Coulomb attraction in which the valence electron moves is −Ze2/r where: Z is the atomic number; e the absolute value of the electron charge; r is the radial coordinate. The energy levels are:

Scientific Notes on Power Electronics: doping of semiconductors

In the above expression, applied to our case we must perform the following substitutions:

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Scientific Notes on Power Electronics: doping of semiconductors

Whereby the effective energy levels, i.e., modulated by the grating, are given by:

Scientific Notes on Power Electronics: doping of semiconductors

Now, we recall that the Bohr radius can be obtained as follows:

Scientific Notes on Power Electronics: doping of semiconductors

Which gives us an idea of the “size” of the hydrogen atom in the ground state. We can define the Bohr radius of the hydrogenoid atom we are considering, performing the substitutions (2), obtaining a value significantly higher than the Bohr radius of hydrogen. Physically, it means that the electron explores a non-negligible number of cells of the lattice, for which the introduction of ∈r is justified. Let’s see how the ionization energy changes; in the case of the hydrogen atom, we have:

Scientific Notes on Power Electronics: doping of semiconductors

In our case, we obtain an ionization energy of approximately 0.045 eV ≪ εg = 1.12 eV (silicon bandgap). We denote the ionization energy by εd where the subscript d refers to the fact that the phosphorus atom behaves as a donor atom since it provides an electron. Other pentavalent atoms that behave similarly with semiconductor lattice structures are arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb).  The ionization energy εd is therefore much lower than the energy of covalent bonds, so even at temperatures lower than 300 K K, the phosphorus atom ionizes and the electron energetically transitions to the conduction band.

However, to achieve an experimentally detectable effect we must remove not a single silicon atom, but a macroscopic number of atoms, replacing them with an equal number of pentavalent impurities. The final result is the generation of an extremely dense and −εd centered level spectrum, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: −εd is the energy level of the valence electrons of pentavalent atoms. In reality, we have an extremely dense spectrum, in which the individual levels are populated by at most two electrons with antiparallel spins.
Figure 2: −εd is the energy level of the valence electrons of pentavalent atoms. In reality, we have an extremely dense spectrum, in which the individual levels are populated by at most two electrons with antiparallel spins

The extreme proximity of −εd to the levels of the conduction band favors the transition of the corresponding electrons to the conduction band. We have thus created a semiconductor where the dominant contribution to conductivity comes from electrons. Hence the name n-type semiconductors.

P-type semiconductors

A dual scenario to the previous one consists of replacing a silicon atom with an atom of a tetravalent element such as boron (B). Missing an electron in the formation of the corresponding covalent bond, a hole is automatically generated and if the thermal energy is sufficient, one of the electrons of a neighboring atom can fill the hole but generate another one (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Absence of an electron, therefore presence of a hole that can be “filled” by a nearby electron.
Figure 3: Absence of an electron, therefore presence of a hole that can be “filled” by a nearby electron

With the new electronic configuration, the boron atom becomes a negative ion (B), so this atom acts as an acceptor. Since the “added” electron comes from a covalent bond, its initial energy belongs to the valence band and the final energy will be slightly higher. The replacement of a macroscopic number of silicon atoms with trivalent atoms generates a very dense spectrum of levels centered in a given value slightly higher than the energy of the top of the valence band, as illustrated in Figure 4. These levels are populated by a macroscopic number of electrons which corresponds to an equal number of holes in the valence band. We have therefore created an extrinsic p-type semiconductor since the dominant contribution to conductivity comes from holes.

Figure 4: −εa is the energy level of the electrons that come from broken covalent bonds to fill the gaps due to the absence of an electron at the trivalent atoms.
Figure 4: −εa is the energy level of the electrons that come from broken covalent bonds to fill the gaps due to the absence of an electron at the trivalent atoms


We have presented a heuristic model to explain the doping of monatomic semiconductors. Technologically, doping was the first step for the creation of pn junctions. Phenomenologically, it would have been more interesting to study the behavior not of disjoined and metallurgically interfaced p-type and n-type semiconductors, but a single semiconductor with both dopings.


1 Millman J., Grabel A., Microelectronics.
2 Shokley W., Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors. Van Nostrand, Princeton. 1950.
3 Kittel C., Introduction to Solid State Physics.
4 Scientific notes on power electronics.


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