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Pumpkin Puree Pie Filling

If you’re looking to make pumpkin puree or a homemade version of canned pumpkin then this is the easiest way to make pumpkin puree with no additives, just pure pumpkin. There is no peeling or chopping up required to make the pumpkin puree that is naturally sweet and perfect for using in a pumpkin pie!

This is barely a recipe but it’s an important one because canned pumpkin pie filling is so expensive here in Australia. One small 14oz or 400g is $8 and a large tin goes for up to $17! And thanks to this method you can take advantage of pumpkins that are always available and in season. The only thing you will need is an oven and some time. And I promise you won’t have to do any of that pesky peeling or chopping up!

Pumpkin Puree Pie Filling

An American chef once told me that the best pumpkin to use for pumpkin pie filling here in Australia is butternut pumpkin or squash. It has a really sweet, nutty flavour and a gorgeous bright orange colour. I always reach for a butternut whenever I make pumpkin soup or any sort of pumpkin recipes.

We’ve lived at this house now for 2 years and while I do miss being super close to the city we aren’t that far away (20 minutes in good traffic) we really love our neighbourhood. We got on well with our previous neighbours (except the strata manager) but with our new house, we’ve been getting into something new: backyard swapping. On one side of our house we get the sweetest, juiciest mandarins from their tree when they’re in season (and legal help, if the need ever arises) and on the other side we get a range of home grown produce.

The other day Sally brought over pumpkin, squash and lemons. They grow these up at their holiday house and her delivery came just in time for when my pumpkin pie craving hit. We do grow some things but never really in large enough amounts to share so we tend to eat it all. But when they give us something I convert what they’ve brought over into a cake and offer them cake in return for their produce. That way we can share the cake around as there’s way too much for two of us to eat and we get free produce to cook with! Win Win!

So tell me Dear Reader, are you in a backyard swapping situation? Are you the person that gives produce or gives something made with the produce?

Pumpkin Puree Pie Filling

Pumpkin Puree Pie Filling

An Original Recipe by Lorraine Elliott

Preparation time: 2 minutes

Cooking time: 1 hour

  • 1 butternut pumpkin or squash
Pumpkin Puree Pie Filling

Step 1 – Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Line a baking tray with parchment. Cut the pumpkin in half and lay cut side down on the parchment. Bake for 1 hour or until a knife slides into the flesh easily. Allow to cool so that it is easier to handle (you can do this part 1-2 days ahead of time).

Pumpkin Puree Pie Filling

Step 2 – Remove the seeds and scoop out the pumpkin flesh with a tablespoon. Puree the pumpkin flesh until smooth. Thermomix directions: 15 seconds, speed #10.

This pumpkin pie filling should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge where it will keep for up to 5 days. It is also suitable for freezing where it will last for up to 6-8 months.

Pumpkin Puree Pie Filling

Published on 2024-06-08 by Lorraine Elliott.


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