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Master boat builder selling sports yachts to Miami discusses his career


Name: Jamie Nicholls
The profession: Boat building
The organisation: Riviera Australia
The job title: Master boat builder
The pay: $30 to $49 per hour plus superannuation plus penalty rates

Master boat builder Jamie Nicholls says sometimes clients will want a boat built five or six times before they’re happy with it.

Master boat builder Jamie Nicholls says sometimes clients will want a boat built five or six times before they’re happy with it.

Coolest part of the job: I’ve just led a team building a 68-foot-long sports yacht. It’s taken us two years to develop, and seeing the end result is awesome. We’ve already sold 40 of them. For our team this means many, many years of secure work.

Toughest part of the job: I am a manager in new product development, so I helped our team develop a full-sized model of the boat in MDF wood, to see how the actual boat would work.

The model is called a ‘plug’, and it’s not miniature – it’s to scale. This meant that on our 68-foot yacht, the plug is 68 feet, and the hull and deck are at real life scale. If we build a wet bar, it will have a sink, fridges, two barbecues and a bin, and will be two metres long.

While it takes a long time to make one boat because the plug is an actual completed boat, you can make the moulds from that and mass-produce it.

The challenging part is that it doesn’t always work right the first time. It can be frustrating for the team building it, as sometimes we go back to a second or third model. Then, if we get it in place and the owner doesn’t feel it’s quite right, we might have to do it five or six times.

But when you are paying millions of dollars for a yacht the customer has to be 100 per cent satisfied it all works properly.

One thing people wouldn’t know about this career: It’s very challenging. Unlike a house, a boat isn’t symmetrical, where you can use levels and straight edges. A house is on foundations, but our boats need to be seaworthy.

It’s a massive challenge to make them safe, luxurious and comfortable. About half of our boats are exported to America, where they are out in the ocean near Miami.


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