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How to Invest Like Warren Buffett


Warren Buffett is arguably the greatest investor of all time.

He has a great track record of creating and maintaining his wealth through share investments, but many of his principles also apply to property investors.

Warren Buffett

So let’s look at some of Buffett’s investment principles and see how we can apply them to our property investing.

Not surprisingly many of these are very relevant to the “interesting” times  we are currently experiencing in the property markets

1. Adhere to a proven strategy

Buffett’s success has often been put down to his extraordinary patience and discipline, never deviating from his proven investment strategy even when faced with short-term changes in the market.

This is a great lesson for property investors, as most don’t have a plan or adhere to a proven strategy.

If you don’t have an investment strategy to keep you focused, how can you hope to ever develop financial independence?

It’s too easy to get distracted by all the “opportunities” that keep cropping up.

Unfortunately, many of these supposed opportunities don’t work out as expected.

Look at many of the investors who bought off the plan or in the next “mining town hot spot”, only to see the value of their properties underperform.

Over the last few months as our property markets have moved into the growth stage of our property cycle there’s a whole new generation of property “gurus” offering to tell you what to do with your money and what the next big opportunities will be.

And there’s a swag of buyer agents who are well-intentioned but really enthusiastic amateurs with no long-term experience.

And yes…I know some of the “opportunities” they suggest you should pursue may sound attractive, but I see major pitfalls in some of them – I’ll explain more about what you could do in a moment.

In my mind, you need to follow a strategy that has always worked, rather than one that works now.

This only comes from experience and perspective – and if you don’t have the years behind you to give you the experience, learn from someone who has.

2. Invest counter-cyclically

Buffett is a renowned counter-cyclical investor, advising:

“We attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.”

This is also the investment strategy of many successful property investors and has proven to be a winning formula for many who invested in property last year when many predicted that property prices would fall further.

In fact last year I made public recommendations in my podcasts and blogs that early 2023 would be the turning point of the property cycle which I  know set up some of my readers and listeners to take advantage of what has turned out to be a great time to enter our property markets.

By the way… It’s not too late to be early this property cycle.

There is still significant growth left in some of our property markets.

However, you can’t just buy any property and hope it will be an “investment grade” property.

Property Cycle

3. Sometimes it’s best to do nothing

A great quote from Warren Buffett is… 

“The trick is, when there is nothing to do – do nothing.”

Yet many investors get itchy feet and want to do more, put another deal together, or buy another property.

There are stages in the property cycle and times in your investment journey when it is best to sit back and wait for the right opportunities because wealth is the transfer of money from the impatient to the patient.

By the way…

I don’t think this is the time in the cycle to do nothing.

There are some great opportunities for those who know where to look for them.

Let me clarify that – there are definitely some places where you “should do nothing”.

There are clearly some segments of the property market you should avoid.

How Much To Invest

4. Specialise – don’t diversify

Buffett has adopted a focused investment philosophy investing the bulk of his funds in a few companies.

However, most advisers suggest diversifying.


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