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Australia’s ‘most sexually active woman’ exposes double standards in porn industry


Australia’s “most sexually active woman” has called out alleged double standards in the adult industry, labelling the disparity between men and women “appalling”.

Annie Knight has become a household name after she began documenting her life as an OnlyFans creator, revealing she’s slept with 300 people in the past 12 months as well as her mammoth earnings.

However she’s also been open about the negative effects of going public with her profession after being “slut-shamed” by a stranger who outed her X-rated job to her dad.

Despite regularly copping backlash for working in the Australian sex industry, the 26-year-old said male porn stars don’t receive the same abuse.

“I’ve faced a lot of Judgement and ridicule, but interestingly enough – and it infuriates me – is the double standards between men and women with the same jobs,” the Gold Coast woman told news.com.au.

“I have male sex worker friends who tell me they have never received a negative comment in the entirety of their careers, even after receiving millions and millions of views.

“Men praise them but look down on us women even though we do the same work. It’s appalling.”

As a result of the relentless insults and “hateful” comments Ms Knight receives, she said she has become inspired to fight the “stigma surrounding hypersexual women”.

“I didn’t call myself ‘Australia’s most sexually active woman’, it was a title given to me by someone on social media, and I’m totally okay with it,” she said.

“I’ve always been an honest person, so I own it. I think a lot of people think it is a derogatory statement, but I’m trying to break the stigma that hypersexual women are not worthy of respect.

“People really look down on hypersexual women and often say we ‘need help’, insinuating that there’s something wrong with us.

“I’m trying to show the world that you can be a sexual woman and still have morals, intelligence, self-esteem and self-respect.”

Ms Knight said however it was “never my intention” to try and break down these “inaccurate” stereotypes, instead stating she was “motivated” after receiving positive messages from other women.

“Women regularly thank me for being so open about my sex life as it made them feel so much more comfortable within themselves rather than ashamed. It makes all the hate worth it,” she explained.

Ms Knight said in addition to double standards in the industry, strangers often make wrong assumptions about her, stating the most common being that she is “riddled with STI’s”.

“It annoys me because it’s so inaccurate. I wouldn’t be doing what I do if I was had a sexually transmitted disease,” she said.

“I take very good care of myself, and health is so important to me, that I would never put myself in a position where I could get sick or infected.

“It also makes me laugh a bit because it just goes to show how uneducated these people are and how silly they look for not doing their research before commenting their outrageous assumptions.”

Another poor assumption made about Ms Knight is that she is “boy crazy”, she said.

“People assume all I care about is boys and that I have no standards. But the worst one is the idea that I will give any guy a go, or that I’m available for purchase, which I am not.

“I think a lot of people assume because I do OnlyFans, I must also escort, but I’ve never escorted and have no plans to.

“I have major respect for those who do but it’s just not for me. My sexual escapades are purely for my own enjoyment and that’s all.”

In the past, Ms Knight has opened up about how strangers regularly tell her to “get a real job”, despite the fact she estimates she’ll pay $1 million in taxes when the current financial year comes to a close.

But, while the Gold Coast woman said her family are supportive of her raunchy profession – which involves selling explicit images and videos of herself to subscribers – her X-rated career was “outed” to her dad Simon earlier this year, causing a brief moment of friction.

“It was pretty awful to receive a panicked call from my dad saying ‘a reporter just showed up at my door and is saying my daughter is a sex maniac’,” she told news.com.au in December.

“My heart sank, not because I was ashamed but because my dad is so innocent and kind and he loves me so much he would have been so confused and shocked by that.

“I’m not sure exactly what was said to my dad but the fact he paraphrased ‘sex maniac’ makes me think it wasn’t anything pleasant.

“It made me feel like I was being slut-shamed. But thankfully I had a conversation with dad and explained what OnlyFans was and he was okay with it, he’s very supportive.”

Ms Knight has also previously revealed she was fired from her old marketing job after they discovered her racy side-hustle, which is now her full-time gig.


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