There are more than 100 people looking for a room to rent in some Adelaide suburbs but limited or none available, new data shows. Picture: supplied.
Demand for rooms in share houses is far outstripping supply in some Adelaide suburbs amid the cost-of-living and rental crisis.
Latest Flatmates.com.au data reveals some people are competing with more than 100 others to secure rooms in areas where there is limited or no supply.
There were 105 people searching for a room in Brighton where there were none to rent, while Glenelg had 314 with just four available, according to the data.
Meanwhile, there were 133 people seeking a room in Marion with just two available and 143 in Henley Beach where there were just three on offer.
REISA chief executive Andrea Heading. Picture: supplied.
Real Estate Institute of South Australia chief executive Andrea Heading said it wasn’t surprising there was such high demand for rooms, especially at this time of year.
“We know there’s a high demand for it because of the amount of people in the system of trying to find a rental,” she said.
“Probably the biggest demand is coming from students coming here to study from overseas, it’s certainly an accommodation choice for them.”
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Ms Heading said demand for rooms in share houses would likely remain high as the cost of living continued to rise and rental supply remained tight.
“It’s a pressure point among all the other pressure points,” she said.
Mr Heading urged those looking for a room to be cautious about scams and ensure an agreement was in place that established clear rules and expectations.
Flatmates.com.au community manager Claudia Conley said January was the busiest month in the website’s history.
Flatmates.com.au community manager Claudia Conley Picture: supplied.
It had a record-breaking 212,000 active members using it to search for a new home or housemate nationally – an increase of 6 per cent on last year’s record.
“The university semester is about to start, many members are looking to move for new jobs, most leases are renewed at this time of year, and migration is high as people flock to Australia for that quintessential Aussie summer experience,” she said.
“Add to this a cost-of-living and rental crisis leading even more people to turn to share accommodation than usual, it’s no surprise that this January has been our busiest month ever.”
While property listings on the platform were increasing, Ms Conley said demand still far outweighed supply.
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