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7 Things to Know Before Buying an Investment Property


The statistics say it all-around 92% of Australians who invest in property never make it past their first or second investment.

This is in spite of the fact that one property will never make you rich…it will never even make for a comfortable retirement when you consider that this stage of your life could represent around twenty to thirty years.

Property InvestorProperty Investor

So why do so many investors never make it beyond that initial property?

Quite simply, many of them make the mistake of buying with their heart rather than their head.

They abandon the research required to purchase a property that has the capacity to generate strong long-term capital growth, in favour of a very short-term view.

However, to create a wealth-building property portfolio you must take a long-term perspective, plan to succeed and keep the big picture in mind.

Buying property without first understanding certain key elements of investing is like starting a journey to a new destination without a roadmap.

Property investment should always be approached with a sound strategy in place even before you start looking for the best buy.

Let’s consider the key elements of property investing that you need to know inside and out and the type of investment strategy you should implement in order to ensure success.

1. Why are you investing?

Many people like the idea of investing in property to make money, but this really isn’t a good enough reason to go out there and do it.

You need to consider your long-term goals; do you want to secure your retirement income?

Leave a legacy for your children?

Have the funds to enjoy a certain lifestyle?

Once you determine what your long-term goals are, it is then time to think about how property investment can help you to reach them.

You need to create a timeline for your goals and review your progress on a regular basis to make sure you are on the right track.

2. Buying right

At Metropole, we always aim to secure property as an “investment grade” property for our clients – one that will outperform the averages with regards to capital growth.

And we recognise that 80% of the heavy lifting of a property’s performance comes down to its location.

And then we make sure we buy the right property for that location.

Yet many investors make their main focus on price.

I’ve found many novices and even some experienced investors feel they’ve nabbed a bargain when they negotiate a vendor down by $20,000 off the advertised sale price.

But do they really know the true value of the property?

Only extensive research and sound knowledge of the area, as well as the type of property you’re buying, ensures you will buy right.

Sure, a $20,000 discount might seem like a great outcome, but what if the true value of the property is actually $40,000 less than the asking price?

3. The importance of capital growth

The basis of a good investment strategy is to build a portfolio of properties that will generate good long-term capital growth above and beyond all else.

This is because as your property grows in value, you can then leverage into more property by using that growing equity.

In other words, you can build your portfolio much quicker and add more and more properties over the years.

Since your finance serviceability will only allow you to buy a certain number of properties, meaning you may only ever own three or four properties, it’s important to own the best properties you can – they all have to be working hard for you.


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