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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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3 questions to help make 2024 your best year yet


Happy New Year – 2024 promises to be a fantastic year.

2023 delivered more than the usual number of challenges but looking back over the year I am happy, and grateful and have developed the “useful belief” that 2023 was one of the best years of my life.

Finding a “useful belief” is a concept I learned from Chris Helder – when things are tough rather than complaining, find a “useful belief.”

My health was good, my family was happy and well, and we’re blessed with 11 grandchildren and another one on the way.What's Next?

Despite the economic challenges, my business Metropole has been great and I’ve got a great team and amazing partners, the Michael Yardney Podcast grew from strength to strength and has now had over 5 million downloads and my daily Property Update newsletter has had over 2.6 million unique readers this year – that’s a huge percentage of the Australian adult population.

So rather than looking at all the challenges I experienced…

It’s days like this that I like to reflect …

I look back on where I came from.

Then, I appreciate where I am.

And finally, I think about where I want to be.

It’s an interesting exercise I conduct that keeps me thankful, grateful and just as importantly motivated.

Maybe this is an exercise you should do too!

Let me explain…

1. Look back at where you came from …


What hardships have you overcome and how did you manage to do this?


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Serendib News
Serendib News
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