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9 lessons from the ultra successful


Many people go through life envious of the success of others.

But what they fail to realise is that successful people, especially those who reach the upper echelons, spend their lives working hard to achieve their dreams

So, are they just lucky, intelligent, or just born with a silver spoon?

Well, in reality, it’s none of these attributes.

While there’s no proven formula, there’s no denying that many of the people we admire share commonalities that helped them get to the top – and stay there.

1. Early birds

The ultra-successful start their day early!

Notable early risers include Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group, Disney CEO Robert Iger, and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer.

Waking up early isn’t an easy habit to cultivate, though, so I suggest you experiment with different techniques.

One of the most effective ways to make sure you rise early is simply not to hit snooze, which we all know is easier said than done.

It might surprise you that another key to success is not to check your emails in bed before you go to sleep!

The opposite is actually the most effective, which means that you should have no screen light at least one hour before bedtime as it can affect the hormone responsible for inducing sleep.

Another strategy involves writing your plans for the next day at the end of the previous day, so they’ll serve as motivation for you to get out of bed.

2. The power of the reading

Think book nerds are losers?

It’s quite the opposite, actually, because the last time I checked, they ruled the world.


Bill Gates reads for one hour as part of his bedtime routine.

J.K Rowling, the first-ever billionaire author, read everything she could as a child.

President Obama, Sheryl Sandberg, and Albert Einstein are book lovers, too.

Reading helps you learn from the mistakes and successes of others.

Instead of just diving in and relying on your guts and motivation to lead you, reading gives you a mental map to bypass rookie mistakes that many people make in life.

3. Get moving

Successful people have all the resources they’ll ever need to keep themselves fit and healthy.

They can afford the most expensive spa treatments and cosmetic surgery if they’re so inclined, yet exercise is still a part of their daily habits.


The ultra-successful understand that exercise keeps them fit, but it also keeps their brain healthy, minimises stress, and improves memory.

In fact, they know that using “too much work” as an excuse not to exercise is counterproductive.

Studies show that exercise can boost creativity and productivity by as much as two hours and it can make you smarter, too.

4. Being still

So while being physically active is an important element of ultra success, too is understanding that at times we need to be still.

Studies suggest meditation can alleviate anxiety, and pain and prevent depression.


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